Teewah Beach

Overview    Safety Hazards    Launch & Landing   Site Rules    Permits & Exemptions

Teewah Beach supplies endless coastal dunes

Accessible by 4WD (or a long hike), Teewah is by far our longest site. A visiting pilot once racked up a 100km flight here just soaring beats (we’re not sure why!). Relaxed coastal soaring with mesmerising ocean views, Teewah is a favourite for those wanting to practice top landing and tree skimming.

Safety Hazards

  1. The matting on launch is prone to catching lines launching.
  2. If winds are cross to NE, launch is in slight rotor, causing uneven wing inflation. You can get dragged across launch into the bushes.

3. In light winds ensure you have enough height to make the glide to beach.

On busy days with high vehicle traffic and a straight onshore wind, consider landing crosswind to avoid flying across the path of vehicles going up and down the beach



Landing Zone


When the wind is straight on, Teewah is an easy beginner launch. When the wind shifts to NE, intermediate skills are required for launch, and it is wise to have an experienced pilots assist with take offs.

Access to the site is by 4 wheel drive vehicle only. You need to cross the North Shore Vehicle Ferry at Tewantin ($15 each way). Buy tickets here.

In order to drive on the beach a recreational vehicle permit is also required. This can be purchased annually or daily.

Vehicle permits can be purchased at the National Parks office as you approach the Tewantin Ferry, or online (Cooloola Recreation Area).

Get directions >

Landing Zone

Landing of Hang Gliders or Paragliders is permitted on the beach only when:

  • it would not endanger a person on the ground; and
  • would not cause conflict with a vehicle on the beach or other ground traffic thoroughfares; and
  • the Duty Pilot is satisfied that operations maybe carried out safely.

Given the costs of beach permit, ferry,  fuel and vehicle clean up add up to about $70+, it’s customary to share costs when passengering to launch in a pilot’s 4WD.  

Launch etiquette on busy days is get set up before coming up, and at any other time to set up at the far back of launch. 

Site Rules

Teewah Beach, rated PG2 and HG2, is located within the Cooloola Section of the Great Sandy National Park. Paragliding and hang gliding in National Parks are only allowed under a permit. Sunshine Coast Free Flyers has been granted a permit for it’s members to be allowed to fly from the Teewah Glider launch and land on the beach but with strict conditions.

To maintain access to the site, we urge you to follow these simple rules.

  • You must be a current SAFA member and member of SCFF to fly this site
  • No more than 10 pilots on site at any one time.
  • ALL flying must be in accordance with the SAFA Operations Manual.
  • Flying permitted in daylight hours only
  • Pilots must be aware of the Emergency Plan and Procedures before flying – click here.
  • On weekends, public holidays and when there are 5 or more pilots, a Duty Pilot must be nominated. 
  • “Pilots must carry a copy of their SAFA membership card whilst undertaking the activities” – or be able to log onto the SAFA website and show evidence of currency, if asked by a QPWS staff member or SCFF Duty Pilot
  • Only ever use the path and NEVER create new paths or tracks to and from launch
  • Strictly no camping in the car pull out area where the track starts, and no dogs ever – rangers make regular checks
  • No launching or landing from other sandblows on the dunes
  • Carry and use a radio, Channel 14  – frequency 476.750 – with tone squelch 97.4