Point Cartwright

Overview    Safety Hazards    Launch & Landing   Site Rules    Permits & Exemptions

Carties is a reliable but very sensitive site

A nice little coastal site, which is within controlled air space. We are permitted to fly here under strict conditions outlined in the site rules below. Negotiating use of this site has not been easy for the club, so please abide by the rules so we can continue to enjoy it.

Special Requirements:

  1. Scan the QR code at launch & check in.
  2. Have a Carties Duty Person on the ground who is a club member.
  3. The Carties Duty Person must leave a contact phone number with Sunshine Coast Tower, remain on the ground and be contactable at all times. They must have a radio to contact pilots in the air.

You must read the full site rules before flying

Non pilots can act as a Carties Duty Person if they join with a $5 Non Flying Membership

Safety Hazards

  1. Flying at Pt Cartwright in breach of the CASA instrument (link to instrument, and summarised conditions below) is a criminal offence. Pilots not only risk losing their license, (and the whole site being closed) they may be prosecuted individually. Each pilot in the air is at risk if there is no one on the ground. While flying in breach of SAFA rules at any site normally has this risk, it is likely that a breach within 10nm of Maroochy Airport would be pursued forcefully.

2. General public often pose a hazard both on launch and in the landing area.

3. Do not head north from launch past water tower there are no landing options and is not permitted by the instrument.


Landing Zone


The launch site is located at the end of Pacific Boulevard, Buddina, near Point Cartwright Lighthouse.

This is a very busy site with the general public. Please be respectful of the general public on launching and landing phases and avoid any possible contact with a member of the public. If you require them to move off launch to fly please ask politely. If top landing wait for an opportunity to land when launch is clear or radio the duty pilot to clear launch.

Get directions >

Landing Zone

The landing zone is on the beach below launch. Click on the map to see the allowed landing area.

Site Rules

A sign has been installed on the path up from the car park. Pilots must scan the QR code on the sign each time they visit the site to fly.

1. Upon answering the checkin questions from the QR code, you are provided with the contact number for the Sunshine Coast Tower

2. A “Carties Duty Person” (CDP) must be appointed prior to operations commencing. A CDP is defined as a current member of the Association (Association meaning Sunshine Coast Free Flyers) who is fully familiar with the instrument (see link below), (instrument number CASA EX04/22) their responsibilities (points 5 and 6 below) and is able to radio any pilots in the air if required

3. The CDP must call Sunshine Coast Tower to gain clearance before operations begin, remain on the ground at launch, and call to advise when operations have concluded.

4. If the CDP changes during operations Sunshine Coast Tower to be advised the new CDP name and phone number

5. Paragliders and hang gliders are to remain below 300ft and within the agreed operational geographic envelope (see diagram below)

6. Pilot in command must fly with an operating UHF radio switched to Channel 14 (frequency 476.750)

7. Maximum of 3 pilots in the air at any one time – If there are pilots waiting for a flight, be courteous and give others a turn

We can’t emphasize enough just how important the condition that “the Carties Duty Person must leave a contact phone number with Sunshine Coast Tower, remain on the ground and be contactable at all times”. If you are ever tempted to work around this for the sake of convenience, remember that you could cost us the site – don’t do it. If you’re on your own with no one to be on the ground – don’t fly.

A Carties Duty Person can be any club member and does not need to be a pilot. $5 Annual Non Flying Membership are available here

Permits & Exemptions