Our Code of Conduct

Ultimately our club ethos reflects the fact that for many of us flying isn’t just a hobby, it’s a lifestyle. One that should be nurtured, protected and shared. SCFF works hard to enable and maintain access to sites, but needs the support of every member in return. We take landholder rules seriously and won’t tolerate any behaviour that could jeopardise our flying sites or stakeholder relationships.

It is a requirement of club membership to agree to, observe & abide by the following Code of Conduct. Please be active in upholding the Code of Conduct with other club members and visiting pilots. The future of our sites and our sport depends on these efforts and having a consistent approach and attitude.

1. Respect for rules and regulations

  1. In order to undertake flying activities, you must be a member of the Sports Aviation Federation of Australia (SAFA) and must undertake to follow SAFA policies including those set out in the SAFA Operations Manual and any other manuals, including reporting all accidents and incidents as required by the SAFA Operations Manual.
  2. SAFA administers the sports of Hang Gliding, Powered Hang Gliding, Paragliding, Powered Paragliding and Microlighting in Australia in accordance with the Aviation Authority from Civil Aviation Safety Regulations. Pilots flying at sites for which SCFF is the manager must comply with the regulations applying to their operations as set by SAFA.
  3. In order to fly the sites for which SCFF is the site manager, you need to be a member of SCFF.
  4. Adhere to all airspace regulations and restrictions laid out by CASA and Airservices Australia.

2. Respect for flying sites and land owners

Sites are a precious resource for our sport and our club. Our custodianship of them and ongoing access to them is not guaranteed and is under regular scrutiny. Ensure that you access and use them in a manner that enhances our likelihood of keeping them. This includes:

  1. Familiarity with site rules – this is your responsibility. The rules for the sites managed by SCFF are detailed on the SCFF website freeflyers.com.au and in some cases on site. If in doubt, it is a requirement that you ask a representative of the club for clarity.
  2. Launching/flying/landing only from or within specifically designated areas, in appropriate conditions following approved site procedures.
  3. Respect private property and landowner’s rights. Obtain permission where required

3. Respect for other stakeholders

Flying is a privilege and our ability to participate requires harmonious relationships with other stakeholders whose interest may not necessarily be aligned to ours.

  1. Respect the rights and differing expectations of other site stakeholders – these include residents, landowners, members of the public and other site users and aircraft types. Pay particular attention to gates, fences, animals and vegetation.
  2. Consider the safety and privacy of locals and other visitors, especially at our coastal sites where members of the public can be found near launch and landing zones.
  3. Consider the rules, rights and needs of other aviation participants.

4. Respect for safety and risk management

Know the rules, know your limitations, participate within them and make safety your primary consideration. a) Conduct thorough pre-flight checks on all equipment before each flight.

  1. Always assess weather conditions before flying. Avoid flying in unsuitable weather.
  2. Fly within the limits of your skill and experience. Do not attempt manoeuvres or flights beyond your capability.
  3. Regularly inspect and maintain all equipment to ensure it is in good working condition.
  4. Use only equipment that complies with safety standards and regulations.

5. Respect for fellow pilots, participants and spectators

We may not always agree but we can control the manner of our disagreement. Please be considerate towards others.

  1. Refrain from spreading false or misleading information, whether written, spoken or implied.
  2. Refrain from denigrating, harassing or abusing fellow members, the organisation or member organisations on any social media platforms.
  3. Be welcoming and ready to offer assistance to any pilot, passenger or spectator with a disability.
  4. Every time you fly at these sites you are representing your sport and SCFF. Please portray an image we can all be proud of.

6. Respect for our environment

  1. Don’t litter whether it is biodegradable or not. This means anywhere in or around our sites including car parks.
  2. Some flying sites are in National Parks, and at these and indeed at all sites, strive to tread lightly on the landscapes we soar above.
  3. Pack out your rubbish, stay on approved walkways and paths, park cars only in designated parking areas and leave vegetation in place.
  4. QPWS and other land managers have designated camping areas for overnight stays – you must use the designated areas.

7. Respect for country and cultural heritage

SCFF acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land and their cultural heritage. Avoid sacred sites and environmentally sensitive areas that may be adjacent to any launch or landing area.

Be aware that non-compliance with this Code of Conduct will result in consequences. Club members should also make themselves aware of the club’s complaint and disciplinary policy.